• TTS Members can now register for FREE
    Register early to secure your space!

  • TTS Members can now register for FREE
    Register early to secure your space!

  • TTS Members can now register for FREE
    Register early to secure your space!

  • TTS Members can now register for FREE
    Register early to secure your space!

Registration Fees

Member* Free
Non-member Single Masterclass  $20
Non-member Package of 35 (all Masterclasses)  $250

Terms and Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully. Take into consideration that these terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.

Registration to the TTS Masterclass Series is open to all medical practitioners, researchers and allied healthcare professionals operating in the field of transplantation and associated disciplines. Registration are vetted and TTS reserves its rights to reject requests from individuals who do not match this criterion. For more information, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All participants are required to register online.

Payment of registration fees can be made by credit card (Visa and MasterCard). Should you be unable to process your registration payment by credit card, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance.
Invoice Billing Address
Once an invoice has been paid, the billing address cannot be modified as per local regulations. Even when taxes are not applicable, the invoices include a VAT number for internal reference. Please add the correct billing address before payment, as changes cannot be made once payment is being processed. When you complete your registration, you are able to print, save, and email your invoice.
Cancellation & Refund
To cancel your registration and receive a refund, a written request must be submitted to the Registration Coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at least 21 days prior to the scheduled date of the Masterclass. There will be no refunds for cancellation notices/requests received after the above mentioned deadline.
All modifications must be submitted to the Registration Coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
All substitution requests must be submitted to the Registration Coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For replacement of a delegate under individual registration, written permission from the original registrant is required, along with contact details of the substitute delegate. The substitute delegate needs to create a user account and register for the Masterclass  but must not pay, since the payment will be transferred from the original delegate.
Outstanding Balance
Registration fees must be paid in full to access the Masterclass.
Congress Policies
The Registration Policies are considered as part of the Registration Terms and Conditions and can be consulted at the following link: Congress Policies.

What is included?

  • Live attendance to the selected Masterclass with the opportunity to interact with expert faculty
  • Access to the recording of the selected Masterclass for a period of 12 months

Registration Policies

We strongly advocate and will enforce the TTS policies as outlined below, and request all attendees to respect these policies as part of the contractual commitment that they made at the time of registration.
Policy on Respectful Dialogue
The TTS Masterclass Series will welcome a wide diversity of doctors, researchers, scientist and allied health practitioners. Participants are expected to keep criticism constructive, and avoid personal attacks during the live Q&A sessions, in online discussion boards and in social media. Debate of ideas is encouraged, allowing delegates to enjoy a lively and stimulating congress.
Policy on Social Media Use 

We encourage the use of social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram) before, during, and after the Masterclass in order to share information and to network with others. However, we ask all participants to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Whenever possible, use the hashtag #ttsorg to discuss the Masterclass
  • Communicate with respect and consideration for others, keeping criticism constructive.
    Blog, post or tweet about what you are hearing and learning, but refrain from sharing information when the speaker explicitly requests this. Talks are tweetable and shareable by default, but speakers can request that specific details or slides not be shared.
  • Provide feedback to the TTS Masterclass Series committees, we encourage participants to post and discuss topics of interest as well as ideas for future classes.
  • Do not engage in rudeness or personal attacks.
Recording of Presentations is Strictly Prohibited
No individual or entity - including a presenting author - may electronically record or broadcast any portion of the Masterclass  (including their own presentation) without prior written consent of TTS. Unauthorized recording (audio, video, still photography, etc.) of presentations during live virtual sessions and on-demand library, etc., without the express written consent of TTS and individual authors is strictly prohibited. TTS  reserves the rights to any approved audio and video production of presentations.
Photo Policy
Photographing formal presentations, posters, or displays without permission of the presenter is forbidden.

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